Friday, September 17, 2010

ARTicle Response

Willem van Aelst

     In my search for an article to post for class I stumbled upon this and found the concept very interesting.  Considering the thousands of 'great' artist who go unnoticed yearly, I thought this a good article to share with the class.  I LOVE ARTnews idea of polling art critics, art historians, curators, and artists themselves to mention worthy artist who have become unfamiliar or are going unnoticed in today society.  This idea of reseeding the world with missed artists is an amazing way to continue to appreciate all that art has to offer us! It also broadens peoples interests in art.  The people polled not only mentioned current contemporary artists, but also pulled from Old Masters that were being overlooked.  Willem van Aelst the featured artist above is one such example.  In googling some of the artist I was amazing to see the unique styles of each.  Several artists stood out to me but I'll share one with you.  Mateo Mate, his works reminded me of the surrealist Salvador Dali, but were 3D!   

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I really like this idea! If anyone says that they don't like art, it's likely because they haven't found the right style to fit their tastes... so the exposure of a wider variety of unknown artists can introduce so many new people to the art world.

And I checked out Mateo Mate's art-- it's really interesting!